Same Day Over (Single)

Selina Boland

Single from the new album, Take My Heart and Run, Same Day Over captures the raw emotion of being trapped in a relentless cycle, waking up to the same struggles day after day. With a gripping melody and poignant lyrics, this single resonates with anyone who's felt the weight of repetition and the burning desire to break free. It's an anthem of
Single from the new album, Take My Heart and Run, Same Day Over captures the raw emotion of being trapped in a relentless cycle, waking up to the same struggles day after day. With a gripping melody and poignant lyrics, this single resonates with anyone who's felt the weight of repetition and the burning desire to break free. It's an anthem of exasperation and hope, urging listeners to push forward and find their way out of the monotony. Let "Same Day Over" be your soundtrack for perseverance and change.
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All These Hours

Selina Boland

All These Hours by Selina Boland is an album that captures the essence of raw emotion and heartfelt storytelling. The concept behind the album is deeply personal, as each of the ten songs represents a moment in Selina's life that she has spent countless hours reflecting on. From the hauntingly beautiful "Falling Through (feat Gina Burgess)" to the

All These Hours by Selina Boland is an album that captures the essence of raw emotion and heartfelt storytelling. The concept behind the album is deeply personal, as each of the ten songs represents a moment in Selina's life that she has spent countless hours reflecting on. From the hauntingly beautiful "Falling Through (feat Gina Burgess)" to the uplifting and empowering "Not Another Timid Soul" Selina takes listeners on a journey through both the dark and the lighter moments in life. Her powerful vocals and intimate lyrics draw you in and make you feel like you are experiencing these moments right alongside her. All These Hours is a testament to the power of perseverance and faith as well as the importance of growing in every moment that make up our lives. Whether you are going through a difficult season or just need a reminder to keep pushing forward, this album will speak to your soul and inspire you to keep going. Overall, All These Hours is a deeply emotional and personal album that showcases Selina's talent as both a singer and a songwriter. It is an album that will make you feel deeply and leave a lasting impact on your heart.

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